核磁共振影像/光譜儀 NMR002000




臺大陳志宏教授團隊所執行貴儀器運作計畫-「核磁共振影像/光譜分析儀計畫」,與美國德州大學安德生癌症中心劉鶴齡教授團隊 (The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center) 合作運用靜息態功能性磁共振造影技術(Resting-state functional MRI, rs-FMRI),針對腦部腫瘤患者提供臨床術前語言區功能定位評估(Presurgical language mapping) ,此應用技術對患者負擔較低且可更精準提供定位訊息,相較使用典型臨床術前語言區功能定位評估更為簡便與準確。此傑出研究成果發表於Magnetic Resonance in Medicine期刊 (Ai-Ling Hsu, Henry Szu-Meng Chen, Ping Hou, Changwei W. Wu, Jason M. Johnson, Kyle R. Noll, Sujit S. Prabhu, Sherise D. Ferguson, Vinodh A. Kumar, Donald F. Schomer, Jyh-Horng Chen*, Ho-Ling Liu*. (2019). Presurgical resting-state functional MRI language mapping with seed selection guided by regional homogeneity. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. December 2019, doi.org/10.1002/mrm.28107. IF: 3.858, 23/129 in RADIOLOGY, NUCLEAR MEDICINE & MEDICAL IMAGING - SCIE)

圖說:此研究提出方法遠比典型和作業相關功能性磁共振造影進行術前語言區功能定位,所挑選區域的大腦活化區域更有統計上意義,對有進行作業相關功能性磁共振造影困難的患者更為方便。(The proposed RH+MA method outperformed the canonical and task-based seeding approaches for rs-FMRI language mapping when compared with presurgical task-based FMRI activations in brain tumor patients. This method may strengthen the use of presurgical FMRI by making rs-FMRI a routine procedure for expanding the patient population to those who have difficulty with task compliance.)

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